Discover Better Sleep: Your Guide to At Home Sleep Apnea Test

Sleep is essential; we spend at least one-third of our lives asleep. If we don’t sleep for one day, our next day will all be roaming around with a drained face, and on the other hand, a good sleep will keep us all refreshing and energetic all day. But nowadays, we all are listening to one another or we say to our friends or family that we didn’t get enough sleep last night or feel tired and sleepy all day without doing any excess work. Ever wondered the reason behind this? By looking at the current statistics, at least half of the population, or even more than that are stressing out with this issue around the world. These all are the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a common condition in which our breathing stops for some time and again restarts many times while we are asleep. It is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep. These interruptions, known as apneas, can occur dozens or even hundreds of times per night, leading to poor sleep quality and daytime fatigue. This can prevent the amount of oxygen that is required to reach the blood. There are two types of sleep apnea.

To address this concern, many individuals opt for an at home sleep apnea test. An at-home sleep apnea test provides a convenient and cost-effective way to diagnose sleep apnea without the need for an overnight stay in a sleep clinic. This test allows individuals to monitor their sleep patterns and breathing from the comfort of their own homes.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA): The most common type of sleep apnea is obstructive sleep apnea. This happens when the upper airway gets blocked many times while we are sleeping, reducing or completely stopping airflow.

Central Sleep Apnea (CSA): Central sleep apnea happens when your brain does not send the signals needed to breathe. Health conditions that affect how your brain controls your airway and chest muscles can cause central sleep apnea.

The sleep apnea is caused in adults and children. There are many symptoms to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea, but they all go unnoticed most of the time until it becomes a serious problem that involuntarily disturbs our whole lifestyle.

The symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea are as follows:

In children

Your child gets scared at night or sleeps with an open mouth and snores.
Your child wets the bed during the night.
Your child is facing difficulty in learning and is equipped with some allergies or experience behavior changes more often than before.

In adults

Irregular breathing or breathing starts and stops during sleep.
Suddenly gasping for air during sleep.
Frequent loud snoring than before.
Daytime sleepiness and tiredness, often leads the frequent mood swings, concentration issues, and understanding or reacting to any problem.

Fortunately, thanks to the latest technology and advancement, diagnosing sleep apnea with home sleep tests has become more convenient and accessible. In earlier days, for diagnosing sleep apnea, traditional methods were used known as polysomnography conducted in a clinical setting. But say goodbyes to traditional methods and say hellos to at-home sleep apnea testing. Now, conduct a sleep study test at home without traveling from home to the clinic and in your PJs!

Understanding At-Home Sleep Apnea Testing

At-home sleep apnea test simply involves the use of portable devices that measure the quality of your sleep during the night. You can use these devices without sacrificing the comfort of your bed. These devices typically measure several parameters, including airflow, oxygen levels, breathing effort, and heart rate, to assess whether you have sleep apnea and if yes, then to what extent. Some devices also measure the REM sleep time.
Upon measuring these parameters for about two to three days, you can return the device to the respected company from where you have ordered it. Home sleep test devices can also be acquired on rent. The process of using the device is simple. You just have to follow the instructions given by your health provider on how to wear it. After this, the device will do a sleep study test at home and then the health provider will analyze the results.

Why At-Home Sleep Apnea Testing

Looking at the current rise in obstructive sleep apnea sleeping disorder, it has become necessary to hold the hand of at-home sleep apnea test. It is better than the clinical method in several ways.
Comfort zone: The testing can be done within the comforts of your pullovers without facing the harassment of sleeping overnight in a sleep lab.
Cost-effective: The at-home sleep apnea test has proved to be more affordable than the clinical method. It has been made cheap so that it can reach a wider set of population.
Accessibility: The at-home sleep apnea test can be accessed in a remote area also, freeing people to travel to the clinical labs which can be more far away for some people.
Privacy: Some people may think of it as a breach of privacy when they opt for the clinical method, where several strangers may look at them while they are sleeping for the test. Thus, an at-home sleep test will prove to be a better option for them.

Who should consider At-Home Testing?

At-home sleep apnea testing is suitable for both children and adults who:
Experience symptoms such as snoring, gasping for air during sleep, or excessive daytime sleepiness.
Suspect they may have sleep apnea but find it difficult to schedule or attend an in-lab sleep study.
Prefer the convenience and comfort of testing in their own home environment.

Could a blood test reveal sleep issues or apnea?

Blood tests may not be the primary option to detect apnea. However it may provide some valuable insights since inflammation in the body is linked to sleep apnea and the blood tests may measure markers of inflammation such as CRP, which may detect the presence of underlying inflammation affecting sleep.

Does sleep apnea improve with sleep?

Using sleeping as a curing method may not be enough. The individual has to work on his sleeping position to make a change. Many other techniques include weight loss, elevating the head or bed to position the upper body, and avoiding alcohol and sedatives.

How to get a sleep apnea machine?

NewSleepTest Company provides the best devices for home sleep tests, ensuring accuracy and comfort. They offer a range of options, including flexible size fits for both children and adults. Moreover, it also includes single or Multi-night testing.

How to help an adult suffering from sleep apnea?

An adult suffering from sleep apnea may opt for a Sleep test device and breathing devices etc.

Take charge of your sleep now!
There’s an old saying “Health is wealth” and it is so true. So, if you feel that you have also facing such symptoms for a long time, now the time has come to take the charge and lead a good sleep life.
Adopt the Home Sleep Test and consult your healthcare provider where you are lacking.

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