Basic Logic for Thought
'The Sleep Saga of Children'

Considering all factors of Human Behavior and Life there are two (2) primary elements and requirements that define our existence as human beings.
Oxygen: We can’t go without it for much more than three (3) hours. Death is our inevitability without this precious, precious substance…
The Human Brain: The highest-ordered and most specialized organ in our body. It required a nurturing fluid (Cerebrospinal fluid that only it can use). It maintains for its own protection from other body fluids a ‘Blood-Brain Barrier” for that sole purpose.

Yet we seem to take for granted the most precious, number one component, OXYGEN. We likewise think of our brain for its educational abilities which can be created and developed through learning processes.

Not realizing that if it does not develop we can’t treat this deficiency as an illness or medical condition to make up for its lost abilities and functions. This development process is said to be completed by 80% of age 4 with full completion of process in the early twenty years of life.

We accept that if a child only grows, because of some deficiency, to be only five (5) feet in height, short, he will remain that height at maturity. We then should also realize that if a child’s brain does not fully develop it too will always remain short at maturity.

We somehow think we can make the ‘Brain’ reach its potential by some ‘treatment’, ‘therapy’, ‘supplement’, ’ vitamins’, ‘exercise’, ‘learning technique’ and etc.

Brain Development is based on two (2) basic requirements.
REM Sleep (a required % of total Sleep) during which the blood SPO2 has a certain required concentration (96%) or better.
Oxygen – the most precious and required element of animal life on the planet.

Combining these two elements makes ONE requirement. That requirement is, both of these must be present simultaneously during a healthy Brain Developing ‘Sleep Process’.

Therein the greatest ‘DELUSION’ occurs. This what we already know about “SLEEP”. We all do it for 30% of our lifetime (21 years), and we have experienced the experience, however, we don’t know the experience since we were all ‘ASLEEP’ when we did it.

Also, a big ‘DELSUSION’ is ‘Nobody Sleeps like a Baby’. Unfortunately, this is the time when our Brains are in their maximum stage of ‘Development’.

Babies Don’t Sleep as well as we think. Factually, as many as 80% have a mouth-open sleep posture wherein it is stated they can get as much as 35% less oxygen. Because of this 80% sleep posture, most of these children would benefit from ‘Orthodontic’ treatment later in their childhood

What results from this ‘Sleep Disordered Breathing’ (SBD) is more than 15 resulting ‘Conditions’ that are untreated or treated for some other reason.

The Saga continues…
Sleep Studies are paid for by Insurance traditionally. They are done in the ‘Hospital’. The ‘UCR’ usual and customary fee is traditionally in excess of $3,000. The diagnosis usually dictating the need for a ‘Sleep Test’ is usually on ‘Adults’. The resulting treatment is usually accompanied by a ‘Medical Procedure’ of significant economic value.

There are few medical condition that is typically defined to suggest a ‘Sleep Test’ be done on children. Especially since they have not been done in the past, in particular if there is an associated Hospital Charge as stated previously. ‘Insurance Qualified Reimbursement’ contracts define rigid requirements for their payments.

And the Saga goes on…
The Health Care Public can be said to be ‘Addicted’ to the thought that ‘Health Insurance’ will and should pay for what you ‘NEED” and if they are NOT paying you don’t really need healthcare public.

We all have forgotten we all started as infants. Somehow, we think when we were babies we were OK…
At least we should have been, we were supposed to be taken care of by adults….


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